R&R Christmas Crossword
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R&R Christmas Crossword
five : Gerry was on espresso number ____ at 7:31am whilst texting in Handbags At Dawn
cognac : Allen brings this "good stuff" up for he and Jamie to drink (Allen/Jamie TTNBF)
superman pyjamas : "Last warning sunshine, or it'll be the ________ _______." (Allen/Jamie TTNBF)
iced tea : "On the fourth day of Christmas, my top's cat gave to me.. a paw in my ____ ___" (TTDOC)
stinging swats : " On the sixth day of Christmas, my top gave to me... five ________ _____" (TTDOC)
Paris : Darcy was here at the beginning of Handbags At Dawn
polar bear : “Peace on earth, goodwill to all men, hug a ____ __. I missed that part.” -Riley in Handbags
wooden spoon : implement James used on Wade in Handbags at Dawn
apple logs and green : what Jonah & his grandfather were hauling in The Last Night Of The Emily Rose
scarlet fever : illness that took Lynden's sight in The Mistleberry
Whittchurch : name of the town old Tom took Lynden to after Mistress Maberly arrived in The Mistleberry
In Dulce Jubilo : song being played near the cathedral steps Lynden's first market visit in The Mistleberry
coins : Mark gave Lynden a pouch of these to sort in the workshop in The Mistleberry
mistletoe : what Lynden took to lay on the cathedral altar in The Mistleberry
penguins : “Seriously, there were singing ________ in the mall. Flynn went nuts.” (Riley, Taverner's Inn)
gingerbread : “What on earth is a gingerbread latte anyway?” (Dale, Taverner's Inn)
sixteen : Riley's age in Frontier Mall
light bulb : what Jasper took from Riley after catching him hunting for a book late at night in Frontier Mall
John Hammond : name of the Sheriff who picked Paul up from the airport in Keeper's Yard
Doris: "..occasionally the Sheriff gave instructions very politely to someone called ___.." -Keeper's Yard
bake a cake : "..although the only true test of an oven was to ___ _ ___ in it." - Keeper's Yard (3 words)
Mildred: name of the milk cow in Keeper's Yard
screaming queen : what David called Gerry during an argument in Keeper's Yard
ornaments : Items, taken from a sea chest, David shows to Paul at 3am in the kitchen in Keeper's Yard
snowy porch : "A _____ _____ was a truly ridiculous place to burst into tears." - Keeper's Yard
tickets : what Matthew was looking for in Christmas Cheer (Rolf/Matthew)
potpourri : Damien throws a scoopful of this at Robin in A Wonderful Christmas Time
boy scouts : “Patron saint of __ ___, I thought it was appropriate.” Tom of a medal he gives Jake, TDOC
lights : what got Bear in trouble with Theo in Twelve Days of Christmas
orange : What colour spoon did Bear bring back to Theo in Twelve Days of Christmas?
donuts : Philip offers Jasper a bag of these sweet treats in Twelve Days of Christmas
R&R Christmas Crossword
Across:3. | “Peace on earth, goodwill to all men, hug a ____ __. I missed that part.” -Riley in Handbags | 6. | implement James used on Wade in Handbags at Dawn | 10. | “Seriously, there were singing ________ in the mall. Flynn went nuts.” (Riley, Taverner's Inn) | 11. | "A _____ _____ was a truly ridiculous place to burst into tears." - Keeper's Yard | 14. | "On the fourth day of Christmas, my top's cat gave to me.. a paw in my ____ ___" (TTDOC) | 15. | what David called Gerry during an argument in Keeper's Yard | 16. | "..although the only true test of an oven was to ___ _ ___ in it." - Keeper's Yard (3 words) | 17. | name of the milk cow in Keeper's Yard | 21. | " On the sixth day of Christmas, my top gave to me... five ________ _____" (TTDOC) | 23. | Mark gave Lynden a pouch of these to sort in the workshop in The Mistleberry | 24. | "..occasionally the Sheriff gave instructions very politely to someone called ___.." -Keeper's Yard | 26. | what Jasper took from Riley after catching him hunting for a book late at night in Frontier Mall | 27. | what got Bear in trouble with Theo in Twelve Days of Christmas | 28. | Items, taken from a sea chest, David shows to Paul at 3am in the kitchen in Keeper's Yard |
| | Down:1. | what Jonah & his grandfather were hauling in The Last Night Of The Emily Rose | 2. | Gerry was on espresso number ____ at 7:31am whilst texting in Handbags At Dawn | 4. | Allen brings this "good stuff" up for he and Jamie to drink (Allen/Jamie TTNBF) | 5. | name of the Sheriff who picked Paul up from the airport in Keeper's Yard | 7. | “What on earth is a gingerbread latte anyway?” (Dale, Taverner's Inn) | 8. | what Matthew was looking for in Christmas Cheer (Rolf/Matthew) | 9. | illness that took Lynden's sight in The Mistleberry | 12. | Darcy was here at the beginning of Handbags At Dawn | 13. | Philip offers Jasper a bag of these sweet treats in Twelve Days of Christmas | 14. | song being played near the cathedral steps Lynden's first market visit in The Mistleberry | 18. | “Patron saint of __ ___, I thought it was appropriate.” Tom of a medal he gives Jake, TDOC | 19. | name of the town old Tom took Lynden to after Mistress Maberly arrived in The Mistleberry | 20. | What colour spoon did Bear bring back to Theo in Twelve Days of Christmas? | 22. | what Lynden took to lay on the cathedral altar in The Mistleberry | 25. | Riley's age in Frontier Mall |
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© 2015
PuzzleFast.com, Noncommercial Use Only
R&R Christmas Crossword
Across:3. | “Peace on earth, goodwill to all men, hug a ____ __. I missed that part.” -Riley in Handbags | 6. | implement James used on Wade in Handbags at Dawn | 10. | “Seriously, there were singing ________ in the mall. Flynn went nuts.” (Riley, Taverner's Inn) | 11. | "A _____ _____ was a truly ridiculous place to burst into tears." - Keeper's Yard | 14. | "On the fourth day of Christmas, my top's cat gave to me.. a paw in my ____ ___" (TTDOC) | 15. | what David called Gerry during an argument in Keeper's Yard | 16. | "..although the only true test of an oven was to ___ _ ___ in it." - Keeper's Yard (3 words) | 17. | name of the milk cow in Keeper's Yard | 21. | " On the sixth day of Christmas, my top gave to me... five ________ _____" (TTDOC) | 23. | Mark gave Lynden a pouch of these to sort in the workshop in The Mistleberry | 24. | "..occasionally the Sheriff gave instructions very politely to someone called ___.." -Keeper's Yard | 26. | what Jasper took from Riley after catching him hunting for a book late at night in Frontier Mall | 27. | what got Bear in trouble with Theo in Twelve Days of Christmas | 28. | Items, taken from a sea chest, David shows to Paul at 3am in the kitchen in Keeper's Yard |
| | Down:1. | what Jonah & his grandfather were hauling in The Last Night Of The Emily Rose | 2. | Gerry was on espresso number ____ at 7:31am whilst texting in Handbags At Dawn | 4. | Allen brings this "good stuff" up for he and Jamie to drink (Allen/Jamie TTNBF) | 5. | name of the Sheriff who picked Paul up from the airport in Keeper's Yard | 7. | “What on earth is a gingerbread latte anyway?” (Dale, Taverner's Inn) | 8. | what Matthew was looking for in Christmas Cheer (Rolf/Matthew) | 9. | illness that took Lynden's sight in The Mistleberry | 12. | Darcy was here at the beginning of Handbags At Dawn | 13. | Philip offers Jasper a bag of these sweet treats in Twelve Days of Christmas | 14. | song being played near the cathedral steps Lynden's first market visit in The Mistleberry | 18. | “Patron saint of __ ___, I thought it was appropriate.” Tom of a medal he gives Jake, TDOC | 19. | name of the town old Tom took Lynden to after Mistress Maberly arrived in The Mistleberry | 20. | What colour spoon did Bear bring back to Theo in Twelve Days of Christmas? | 22. | what Lynden took to lay on the cathedral altar in The Mistleberry | 25. | Riley's age in Frontier Mall |
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© 2015
PuzzleFast.com, Noncommercial Use Only