Taki Dojo's 2nd Kyu Study Crossword
Kage zuki: Hook punch
Kansetsu geri: Joint kick
Jodan ko uke: Upper level wrist block
Furi zuki: Swinging punch
Kizami zuki: Snap punch
Hojo undo: Supplementary training
Kongo ken: Iron ring
Kaishu kata: Open hand forms
Heishu kata: Closed hand forms
Ukemi: The art of falling
Roku Dan: Sixth degree black belt
Shichi Dan: Seventh degree black belt
Hachi Dan: Eighth degree black belt
Kyu Dan: Ninth degree blackbelt
Ju Dan: Tenth degree blackbelt
Ritsu rei: Standing bow
Za rei: Kneeling bow
Shitsurei shimasu: Excuse me in Japanese
Hoshin: Purpose or objectives
Hajime: Start
Yame: Stop
Tsuzukete hajime: Resume fighting
Jogai: Out of bounds penalty in kumite
Atenaiyoni: Excessive contact penalty in kumite
Tsukami: Grabbing penalty in kumite
Mubobi: No defense penalty in kumite
Keikoku: First official warning in kumite
Hansoku chui: Second official warning in kumite
Shikaku: Disqualification in kumite
Hansoku: Lose the match
Hantei: Decision in kumite
Hikiwake: Tie match in kumite
Aka no kachi: Red wins
Shiro: White
Shushin: Head referee in kumite
Fukushin: Assistant referee in kumite
Atoshi baraku: A little more time left in kumite match
Hijitsume: Vital point at inside of elbow
Shuko: Vital point at pit between thumb and index finger
Soto shakutaku: Vital point at outer wrist
Uchi shakutaku: Vital point at inner wrist
Ude narashi: Vital point at upper outer arm/bicep
Ashi no Higaonna: Sensei Kanryo Higaonna's nickname because of his superb kicking techniques
Naha Shogyo Koko: High school where both Sensei Kanryo Higaonna and Chojun Miyagi taught karate
Tensho: Kata Sensei Chojun Miyagi created in 1926 from the Chinese form Rokkishu
Sensei Kanryo Higaonna: Sensei who was among the first to teach karate publicly
Sanshin: Okinawa banjo with three strings
Bingata: Okinawan stenciled fabric
Taki Dojo's 2nd Kyu Study Crossword
Across:2. | Seventh degree black belt | 5. | Resume fighting | 6. | High school where both Sensei Kanryo Higaonna and Chojun Miyagi taught karate | 7. | Kata Sensei Chojun Miyagi created in 1926 from the Chinese form Rokkishu | 8. | Sixth degree black belt | 10. | Disqualification in kumite | 13. | No defense penalty in kumite | 14. | Hook punch | 19. | Standing bow | 20. | Swinging punch | 23. | Iron ring |
| 27. | Stop | 28. | White | 29. | Kneeling bow | 30. | Start | 31. | Tenth degree blackbelt | 32. | First official warning in kumite | 33. | Okinawan stenciled fabric | 35. | Second official warning in kumite | 38. | Eighth degree black belt | 39. | Vital point at upper outer arm/bicep | 40. | Out of bounds penalty in kumite |
| | Down:1. | Ninth degree blackbelt | 3. | Vital point at inside of elbow | 4. | Upper level wrist block | 9. | Open hand forms | 11. | Supplementary training | 12. | Excuse me in Japanese | 15. | Tie match in kumite | 16. | Vital point at outer wrist | 17. | Red wins |
| 18. | Excessive contact penalty in kumite | 21. | The art of falling | 22. | Snap punch | 24. | Lose the match | 25. | A little more time left in kumite match | 26. | Purpose or objectives | 34. | Grabbing penalty in kumite | 36. | Decision in kumite | 37. | Vital point at pit between thumb and index finger |
| |
© 2020
PuzzleFast.com, Noncommercial Use Only
Taki Dojo's 2nd Kyu Study Crossword
Across:2. | Seventh degree black belt | 5. | Resume fighting | 6. | High school where both Sensei Kanryo Higaonna and Chojun Miyagi taught karate | 7. | Kata Sensei Chojun Miyagi created in 1926 from the Chinese form Rokkishu | 8. | Sixth degree black belt | 10. | Disqualification in kumite | 13. | No defense penalty in kumite | 14. | Hook punch | 19. | Standing bow | 20. | Swinging punch | 23. | Iron ring |
| 27. | Stop | 28. | White | 29. | Kneeling bow | 30. | Start | 31. | Tenth degree blackbelt | 32. | First official warning in kumite | 33. | Okinawan stenciled fabric | 35. | Second official warning in kumite | 38. | Eighth degree black belt | 39. | Vital point at upper outer arm/bicep | 40. | Out of bounds penalty in kumite |
| | Down:1. | Ninth degree blackbelt | 3. | Vital point at inside of elbow | 4. | Upper level wrist block | 9. | Open hand forms | 11. | Supplementary training | 12. | Excuse me in Japanese | 15. | Tie match in kumite | 16. | Vital point at outer wrist | 17. | Red wins |
| 18. | Excessive contact penalty in kumite | 21. | The art of falling | 22. | Snap punch | 24. | Lose the match | 25. | A little more time left in kumite match | 26. | Purpose or objectives | 34. | Grabbing penalty in kumite | 36. | Decision in kumite | 37. | Vital point at pit between thumb and index finger |
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© 2020
PuzzleFast.com, Noncommercial Use Only