Taki Dojo's 1st Kyu Study Crossword
Jodan haiwan uke: Upper level back hand rising block
Haiwan otoshi uke: Back hand dropping block
Kihon waza: Basic techniques
Awase zuki: Two handed punch
Heiko zuki: Parallel punch with both hands
Tateken zuki: Vertical fist punch
Tettsui uchi: Bottom fist strike
Boshi ken: Thumb fist
Washi de: Eagle hand
Nagashi uke: Flowing block
Ido: Moving basics
Gyaku waza: Locking techniques
Nijisashi: Slow relaxed moving portions of kata
Chiru no chan chan: Fast springy movement
Happo sabaki: All directional moving
Ko uchi: Bent wrist strike
Shisochin: Four directions fight kata
Nihon kumite: Two attacks sparring
Kongo ken: Iron ring
Ishi sashi: Stone padlocks
Uchi dechi: Private disciple
Unsoku ho: Footwork
Josokutei: Ball of the foot
Kakato: Heel
Sokuto: Outer edge of foot
Haisoku: Top of the foot, instep
Tsumasaki: Toes, tip toes
Kasokutei: Ankle, side of the heel
Fukuto: Vital point at inside hollow of knee
Kokotsu: Vital point at shin bone
Kori: Vital point on top of foot/ base of the toes
Naira: Vital point at inner ankle
Soin: Vital point at instep/top of the foot
Yako: Vital point at inner thigh
Machu: Sensei Chojun Miyagi's childhood name
Kensei: Sacred Fists
China: Sensei Chojun Miyagi traveled here in 1915 to research the martial arts
Hawaii: Sensei Chojun Miyagi traveled here in 1934 to promote karate
Nihon Kobudo Kyokai: Japan Traditional Martial Arts Association
Kanbukai: Executive Committee
Ho Goju donto: The way of inhaling and exhaling is hardness and softness
Mount Tai: Mountain often referred to in Chinese poetry
Nin: Japanese character for “to endure”
Yakusoku kumite: Prearranged sparring
Kokutsu dachi: Back stance
Seisan dachi: Side facing straddle stance
Gokui: Secret principles or teachings
Koshi: Hips and waist
Suparinpei: The most senior kata in Goju Ryu
Taki Dojo's 1st Kyu Study Crossword
Across:1. | The way of inhaling and exhaling is hardness and softness | 7. | Locking techniques | 8. | All directional moving | 9. | Ball of the foot | 11. | Toes, tip toes | 16. | Sacred Fists | 17. | Bent wrist strike | 18. | Vital point at instep/top of the foot | 19. | Heel | 22. | Thumb fist | 23. | Vertical fist punch | 28. | Japanese character for “to endure” | 30. | Stone padlocks | 34. | Vital point at inside hollow of knee | 35. | Prearranged sparring | 36. | Two handed punch | 38. | Vital point at inner ankle | 39. | Parallel punch with both hands | 40. | Fast springy movement |
| | Down:1. | Sensei Chojun Miyagi traveled here in 1934 to promote karate | 2. | Private disciple | 3. | Side facing straddle stance | 4. | Upper level back hand rising block | 5. | Top of the foot, instep | 6. | Back hand dropping block | 10. | Footwork | 12. | Outer edge of foot | 13. | Iron ring | 14. | Sensei Chojun Miyagi traveled here in 1915 to research the martial arts | 15. | Hips and waist | 17. | Vital point at shin bone | 20. | Secret principles or teachings | 21. | The most senior kata in Goju Ryu | 23. | Bottom fist strike | 24. | Slow relaxed moving portions of kata | 25. | Eagle hand | 26. | Ankle, side of the heel | 27. | Executive Committee | 29. | Vital point at inner thigh | 30. | Moving basics | 31. | Mountain often referred to in Chinese poetry | 32. | Sensei Chojun Miyagi's childhood name | 33. | Basic techniques | 37. | Vital point on top of foot/ base of the toes |
| |
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PuzzleFast.com, Noncommercial Use Only
Taki Dojo's 1st Kyu Study Crossword
Across:1. | The way of inhaling and exhaling is hardness and softness | 7. | Locking techniques | 8. | All directional moving | 9. | Ball of the foot | 11. | Toes, tip toes | 16. | Sacred Fists | 17. | Bent wrist strike | 18. | Vital point at instep/top of the foot | 19. | Heel | 22. | Thumb fist | 23. | Vertical fist punch | 28. | Japanese character for “to endure” | 30. | Stone padlocks | 34. | Vital point at inside hollow of knee | 35. | Prearranged sparring | 36. | Two handed punch | 38. | Vital point at inner ankle | 39. | Parallel punch with both hands | 40. | Fast springy movement |
| | Down:1. | Sensei Chojun Miyagi traveled here in 1934 to promote karate | 2. | Private disciple | 3. | Side facing straddle stance | 4. | Upper level back hand rising block | 5. | Top of the foot, instep | 6. | Back hand dropping block | 10. | Footwork | 12. | Outer edge of foot | 13. | Iron ring | 14. | Sensei Chojun Miyagi traveled here in 1915 to research the martial arts | 15. | Hips and waist | 17. | Vital point at shin bone | 20. | Secret principles or teachings | 21. | The most senior kata in Goju Ryu | 23. | Bottom fist strike | 24. | Slow relaxed moving portions of kata | 25. | Eagle hand | 26. | Ankle, side of the heel | 27. | Executive Committee | 29. | Vital point at inner thigh | 30. | Moving basics | 31. | Mountain often referred to in Chinese poetry | 32. | Sensei Chojun Miyagi's childhood name | 33. | Basic techniques | 37. | Vital point on top of foot/ base of the toes |
| |
© 2020
PuzzleFast.com, Noncommercial Use Only